Sunday, January 26, 2025

Day 23 - January 26, 2025 - Sunday - Sea Day

We are now at latitude 30° S and the temperature this morning was a reminder.  As I got my coffee and started my morning walk on the upper deck, the air temperature was 67° F.  It was certainly not uncomfortable but it was quite a change from the 82° F from just a couple days ago.  The sunrise was beautiful as usual although I did miss the pre-dawn because of the time change.

Not a lot happening today, we attended a couple of lectures and a port talk about Rotorua, NZ.  This will be our third stop in New Zealand.

We have several friends in our neighborhood who are also on cruises.  Some are in New Zealand now, just a few days ahead of our stops.  

One couple, the Everetts have just returned from a very adventurous trip in the North Sea.  It was Vikings Aurora Borealis Cruise on the Vela.  They got caught in a severe storm and the ship received pretty extensive damage and they had to shelter in port for several days.

Here is a photo posted by another passenger on the cruise.

If you would like to see more about this sailing you can view the original poster's blog at .

We are hoping we don't have this kind of excitement on our trip!

We have one more sea day before reaching Waitangi, NZ.  

Until tomorrow....

1 comment:

  1. Sure am enjoying your informative blog! I laughed when I saw you posted our Vela adventure. We’re enjoying a week of warmth and sunshine in Cape Coral, FL. After our 2-weeks in Norway we deserve it. I checked the Vela’s location and it looks like they managed to get to Narvik, so hopefully the storms stayed away. Your sunrise photos are magnificent. Please keep sharing.


Day 32 - February 4, 2025 - Tuesday - Tasman Sea

Today marks about 25% completion of our Viking Cruise.  The next 25% will again compromise ports which we have previously visited with a few...